Command | path <folder> | ||||||||
Description | Sets the current working directory. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
path c:/;
| ||||||||
Response | 530007 Path set to: "\1". | ||||||||
Command | reset | ||||||||
Description | Resets all variables to the factory default. Any parameters, dynamic inputs, state variable values are lost. | ||||||||
Response | 530011 Reset | ||||||||
Command | set <variable> <value> | ||||||||
Description | Sets a variable to the given value. Changing a dimension variable will automatically resize all arrays connected to it. If this happens during a simulation, the simulation stops. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
set Sumo__Plant__Unit__param__Scalar 1;
set Sumo__Plant__Unit__param__Array 1 2 3;
set Sumo__Plant__Unit__param__Array(0) 1;
| ||||||||
Response | 530021 Set: \1 to \2 | ||||||||
Command | mode <mode> | ||||||||
Description | Sets the simulation mode. Algebraic mode is for very simple calculations in a special Algebraic block. Dynamic mode does dynamic simulation. Steady mode calculates steady-state. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
mode dynamic;
| ||||||||
Response | 530053 Mode: \1. | ||||||||
Command | save <filename> | ||||||||
Description | Saves every variable in an xml format, that you can load back with the load command. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
save systemstate.xml;
save "c:/Users/UserName with Spaces/systemstate.xml";
| ||||||||
Response | 530045 Current systemstate saved to "\1". | ||||||||
Command | load <filename> [-partial 1] | ||||||||
Description | Load every variable from an xml format. Must be used on a systemstate file created with save command from the same model. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
load systemstate.xml;
load "c:/Users/UserName with Spaces/systemstate.xml" -partial 1;
| ||||||||
Response | 530041 Systemstate loaded from "\1". | ||||||||
Command | savestates <filename> | ||||||||
Description | Saves every state variable in an xml format, that you can load back with the loadstates command. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
savestates "c:/Users/UserName with Spaces/";
| ||||||||
Response | 530045 Current systemstate saved to "\1". | ||||||||
Command | loadstates <filename> [-partial 1] [-if-better-by <value>] [-maptoic] | ||||||||
Description | Load every state variable from an xml format. Must be used on a systemstate file created with savestates command from the same model. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
loadstates "c:/Users/UserName with Spaces/systemstate.xml" -partial 1 -if-better-by 10 -maptoic;
| ||||||||
Response | 530041 Systemstate loaded from "\1". | ||||||||
Command | loadtsv <filename> [-cycletime <value>] [-interpolation <value>] | ||||||||
Description | Loads a dynamic input table from a tsv file. The file should contain the full name of the target variables, the numbers should be in in-code units and the first column should be Sumo__Time in days. If you modify the file, you need to call unloadtsv on it and then use loadtsv again to refresh the values in the Core. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
loadtsv input.tsv;
| ||||||||
Response |
530029 TSV file "\1" loaded with \2 interpolation. 530030 TSV file "\1" loaded. 530042 TSV file "\1" loaded with \2 cyclestart and \3 cycletime. 530043 TSV file "\1" loaded with \2 interpolation, \3 cyclestart and \4 cycletime. | ||||||||
Command | unloadtsv <filename> | ||||||||
Description | Unloads the target dynamic input file that was previously loaded. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
unloadtsv input.tsv;
| ||||||||
Response | 530050 TSV file "\1" unloaded. | ||||||||
Command | writetsv <filename> [<variableslist_filename>] | ||||||||
Description | Creates a tsv file containing simulation data from every datacomm. A writetsv command is needed without any arguments to release the files that were written. | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
writetsv output.tsv;
| ||||||||
Response |
530037 TSV writer: "\1" all variables. 530038 TSV writer: "\1" variables from file "\2". 530047 TSV writer: writing disabled. | ||||||||
Command | maptoic | ||||||||
Description | Maps state variables to initial condition. | ||||||||
Response | 530019 Mapping to initial conditions. | ||||||||
Command | execute <filename> | ||||||||
Description | Executes the target sumocore script. The file should contain sumocore commands delimited by semicolon (';'). | ||||||||
Arguments |
| ||||||||
Examples |
execute myscript.scs;
| ||||||||
Response | 530036 Script file \1 loaded. | ||||||||
Command | start | ||||||||
Description | Starts the simulation in the mode previously selected by the mode command | ||||||||
Response | 530002 Simulation started. | ||||||||
Command | pause | ||||||||
Description | Pauses the simulation. | ||||||||
Response | 530003 Simulation paused. | ||||||||
Command | continue | ||||||||
Description | Resumes the simulation. | ||||||||
Response | 530008 Simulation continues... | ||||||||
Command | stop | ||||||||
Description | Stops the simulation. | ||||||||
Response | 530004 Simulation ended. | ||||||||